Be yourself – it’s natural

Be yourself – it’s natural

Oscar Wilde was rumoured to have advised “Be yourself. Everyone else is taken“. When you hear this, it makes great sense and yet it’s so easy to ‘sell your soul‘ for a little acceptance and comfort. I spent my life trying to be ‘a man’ or more precisely, ‘the man I thought my mother wanted me to be’. (God knows what she actually thought a man was or wanted me to be for that matter.) I laughed with a friend the other day when our conversation lead us to realise “The good news is, it’s all in your head and the bad news is, it’s all in your head“! Your choice! Sir Walter Scott (Scottish novelist, poet, historian, and biographer) is famous for saying “Oh, what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive!” He was of course referring to the intricate way we live our lives in this mysterious world. I often Wonder is it ourselves we deceive most? Not deliberately so much, as in reaction to difficult challenges. I like what Scott says and I like Oscar Wilde’s words too. They remind me to remember to be myself whatever that might be! Life is short! One of the great hallmarks of truth is paradox and I find that being myself is very often a little embarrassing (or at least uncomfortable), and when you think about that, it makes sense in the face of nature’s ever present demand to evolve!

That’s me in the image above blowing bubbles before life became wonderfully complicated! 🙂

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