

One of the verses I penned back in the winters of 2008 and 2009 was ‘Someone’.

I craved to be loved by ‘someone’ so I wrote my dreams down on a piece of paper and pinned them to my bedroom door where I could see them in clear view so I might be reminded constantly of what I wanted.

“I want to love a man deeply and be loved back by him deeply”. It took all my strength to write that for somehow I felt selfish writing a ‘want’ so clearly. I was brought up in a time when cultivating desires was considered the work of the devil. You could wish for anything as long as it wasn’t for yourself!

I was full sure that by reading or even seeing that message every day it would come true.

A few days late I changed the word man to woman and I found the verse ‘Someone’ flying out of me!

A few years later I met that Someone! I had given up but the Universe had not.

I have love in my life now and it’s wonderful – absolutely nothing like, or even close to like, what I thought it would be. Much more real as in painful as well as delightful but deeply empowering and uplifting in a very human way!

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