Feckiddy Feckiddy Feck

Feckiddy Feckiddy Feck

Just when you thought you had it all figured out somebody upped and changed all the rules! That’s the way it feels sometimes! Your life repeats its patterns until you change the way you act. They say! How simple, and yet I’m surprised every time, by my repeating shape! I fall asleep and react before I get a chance to respond! Too late! “Feckiddy feckiddy feck”! I’m like a cork bobbing up and down in the sea! Today is a good day though! Life is up, and to be fair, it’s up most of the time. But it only takes one mistake to crash your car and die. Lovely!

Somebody once suggested that when you seek the joy of life, getting a ten to one ratio of good to bad is an excellent result. Personally I’d like a ten to zero result but I’ll take what I can get and hope that when I ‘crash the car’ I survive to tell the tale!

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